
This weekend...

This is about how I felt all weekend. I was so sick, I went to Urgent Care, on Sat. I got me the meds I needed and thought I was feeling a bit better...they kick in pretty good. But last night, I was up too late and then when I tried to go to bed, all I did was cough! I have bronchitis and was on the brink of Pneumonia...nice huh? Of course I had to tell them I have had it longer, then I really did, otherwise they would not give me any medicine.

We know our own bodies better then anyone else and we should not have to "fight" to get the medicine we need. I only put this in here, becase there have been several times, in the past that I had to "fight" to get the meds I needed. Some of the doctors wanted to give me only a nebulizer treatment and send me on my marry way. Uh, sorry I tell them....I don't think so! I NEED Medicine or I will be right back here. I can't breath, my lungs hurt and or all I do is cough....what don't they get! This is all Thanks to some of the people, that abuse the medicine and then people like me, have to "jump through hoops" to get what I need.

I hope you all had a great weekend. I did manage to get some work done and am working today. No keeping me down...although I do tend to be a bit slower. Don't forget about my Epattern **SPECIAL** I think I am leaving it up, only a few more days. I hope you have a nice day. Toodles for now kiddies, ~Tonya


Shay said...

Oh Tonya,
I was so sorry to click on your blog this morning and find you ill my friend! I so hope that you get better and that your medicine works quickly!! Keeping you in my thoughts & prayers for a speedy recovery!
Hugs & Smiles for a brighter day,

~Tonya said...

Thank you Shay, you are always so kind-hearted.

I am getting better...little by little.
