My little squirrel friend was back again today and he brought a friend for himself! Yup, two pesky little critter's climbing screens today! By the front porch windows, the front door and the dining room windows! They are just begging to come in. That is because it is too darn COLD here! It has only been in the mid 20's. I ache in my bones because I am soooo COLD! I am NOT ready for WINTER!Any who, my kiddies have been working very hard on some handmades. My daughter Courtney has made this FuNkY SnOw GirL StIcK! They said they are making crafts to sell, to by Christmas presents!
So, what we have here is a Snow girl face, made of painted muslin, stands about 15" tall. The nose was made separately and then stitched in place. Her other facial features were creating using artist pencils. The stick has been painted red and green for Christmas....
Courtney asked if I would sell another one of her handmades on my blog and how can I resist those big puppy dog eye's looking at me? She is asking $11.99 (her price she said) plus shipping...for this Funky Snow Girl Stick. If you are interested, just email me at
My Jordan has been busy creating too! His hand-dids are on eBay! Listed them last night and he is "Tickled Pink"! He has a bid on each of his creations...
This is Jordan's other hand-did. I think Jordan and Courtney both did a wonderful job...but the downside to them creating is........MOM needs a LOT of PATIENCE! And not to mention, I found out I don't much like sharing my creating "stuff" LOL Whenever I need something, now I have to go and look for it! That is driving my nuts! I will survive! *smirk*
Well, I must shake a is late and I must hit the hay! I will hit it quite hard......I have been fighting a cold for a while now. I thought it was getting a bit better, but it is trying to get the better of me. Nighty Night, don't let the bed bugs bite! ~Tonya
How Cute are those creations C and J!! You both did an awesome job...
I bet Mom is just loving having you both :create: with her..!!
Aren't ya T? LOL
Hugs Annie
Hi Tonya,
The kids have sure done a beautiful job with their creations! I am so impressed, but with such a creative mom I can certainly understand their talent! 20 degrees, I'd be in trouble! I turn to stone if it's less than 75 degrees!
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