
A Day of Work...

This was taken a few days ago at dusk...it was the calm, before the storm. I took it as the sky was changing, the wind shifted, the clouds started to move swiftly and the darkness crept in. We received some pretty heavy winds that night, along with some heavy rain and lightning and thunder to no end...

Today we worked! I even made the kids help! Heck, they have created most of the mess in the yard. We were outside most of the day. Picking up, pulling weeks, putting a ridge cap on the barn roof and mowing. We did get quite a bit done, but we still have a bit more to do.

It is good to get things in order. I don't like a messy yard, but with kids, you have to constantly reinforce the fact...that they need to pick it up, pick it up, pick it up! Sometimes, it is easier to do it yourself, rather then listening to yourself telling them to do it *smirk* Know what I mean?

Well, this week will be a full week of school for the kiddies. Last week kicked my butt! LOL I am not use to getting up at 6 a.m. I am not a morning person, but am trying to go to bed earlier. I want to stay up when they are off to school, so that I can take advantage of the whole day. No rest for the wicked, is what I always say...Toodles. ~Tonya

1 comment:

softinthehead said...

I love that picture! I remember when I lived in Vermont we use to get some incredible "before" storm pics. I have been meaning to visit your blog so many times just so I can tell you how much I enjoy your work. Your talent just over-whelms me with awe! I miss the New England area so much so I go to the site that promotes all of the New England artists just to get a feel of home, lol....Pam