A picture of Darrel and I, 13 Years ago, right after we lite our "Unity" Candle. Wow, 13 years have already gone by since we said, "I Do". My how time flies. There are parts of that day, that I will never forget...but then there are parts of that day, that are such a "fuzzy haze", that I can not remember.

Marriage is so much more. To share all of it. Not just the good times or the happy times...but there are times in every ones lives that you have to face, whether you would like to or not. Together, with someone that you love, it seems to be a bit easier, when the going gets "rough".
So, here is to many more years together........we have been through so much together, that without one another, I don't think that we would be the same people we are today. With each stone we have turned, with each mountain we have climbed...he gives me "strength" when I can not seem to find it and I give him a "push", when he needs it. We are good by ourselves, but "together", we are better. Here is to "Growing Old together".......The Best is yet to be!
Peaceful Blessings, ~Tonya