
I Miss....

Warmer weather, open water and the sun! I think I may be having a bit of the "winter blues". Quite a few people know exactly what I am referring too. When you deal with the frigid cold, the high winds and snow ( a lot of it) well, we are ready for Spring. It just simply can not come soon enough. This is a picture I took at the tail end of summer, when we went fishing last year. Pretty! Have a Beautiful Sunday! Peaceful Blessings to you, ~Tonya


Denni said...

Me too! I have the blues bad this year too. Hopefully in a couple of months we will see the end of it ;)

Dana said...

*heavy sigh*

I do hear you, Miss Tonya!!! I suffer from the winter blues, and well, since it hasn't been all that cold here in Michigan the last few weeks ... the January thaw has me prematurely itchy for spring-time weather. The snow is mostly gone today, it's 40 and raining ... and WINDY! But that will all come crashing to an end with snow beginning tonight and bitter cold with snow all this week.

I miss mild temps and sun!

Hang in there ... sending smiles and hugs and warm wishes your way.


West Side of Straight said...

Ya - we're tired of this too! Got alot of heavy wet snow this weekend, and it's taken all day to clear out our farm area. Now to watch the game! (and sew more)
At least the last couple of weeks of warmer temps has helped with fuel bills.

Cat Nap Inn Primitives said...

yeah I think as I get older..I can see why the older folks become snowbirds...and go someplace warmer..I am totally getting it and want some place a bit warmer in the winter...love my woodstove though..but just not so much rain..:) take care and have a great week..:)

Heidi said...

This was our eleventh day without the sun! How many more days till Spring? :)

Anonymous said...

Your winters are way much worser than mine but I do understand what you mean, especially when it's gloomy.