
Handmade Art Fair...

Have you visited ~Handmade Art Fair~ yet? Such a neat site! I love the way it has each artists' page is linked to everywhere they are and what they create. You will have to take the time to stop by if you have not done so lately.

Spring is in the air and I can smell it! It has been one long and cold winter. Bring on the SUNSHINE & FLOWERS. Cheers, Tonya


Such a sweet sweet sight!

As I gather my thoughts this morning and plan out my day, I was looking out the window and I seen not one Robin, but several of them. We tend to mark spring arriving with the sight of these beautiful orange breasted birds. I did see one last week, but only one. We also received snow last week, several inches mind you. As each day passes during the tale-end of winter, I often wonder to myself, how much longer can I handle the harsh, bitter cold and the massive amounts of snow and then spring slowly tip-toes in....I am so very thankful ♥

Since the Robins were still so scarce last week, I knew that there was still a short while to wait patiently and be hopeful that we did not receive anymore snow, while waiting for spring. Meanwhile, we still have quite a bit of snow on the ground, the weather was beautiful yesterday and the temps were into the low 50's. What more could we ask for.

Although, I would love all of the snow to melt instantly, it must be a gradual melt, as they have predicted massive amounts of flooding in Minnesota. It breaks my heart to think that many cities have to prepare for such. Those areas that they have been predicted as flood areas are already making sand bags by the thousands, several thousands and building walls in preparation for flooding.

While Mother Nature has so much beauty to unfold before our very eyes, there is also anger within. The devastation in Japan just leaves my heart so heavy. When will it end? They have endured so much and how much more can they handle. My heart goes out to each and every one of them. Peaceful blessings to each of you and thank you for taking the time to visit. ♥Tonya


I thought I would share...

A sweet RAK (random act of kindness). Sweet Mo at Wings and Paws Whimsies is having a giveaway. She is giving away this adorable Easter assemblage. Mo is celebrating her new endeavor with teaching others to solder and create beautiful master pieces, such as the one above. Stop by her blog and read about her new adventure.

If you are in the Washington/Oregon area, she is teaching classes or you can host a class in your home. I wish I lived close to her so that I could take that class. I love learning and some day, I will learn to solder, even if I have to learn by trial and error. I have learned most of everything I know by trial and error and I must admit, for me, it is one of the best ways to learn.

Mo puts lots of love in to each of her creations, I should know, I am lucky enough to own a couple of her pieces. She is also on the same selling site I am, The Prim Nest, be sure to check it out!

I am happy to say that I have a full week off from school, yay!! I am going to work in my hallway, priming, sanding, and painting. No, I am still not done, but little-by-little, it is getting there. I told you it was a major project. While away from school I am also going to make time to play!

I am so looking forward to spring! This winter has taken every ounce of my patience and I no longer want to see any new snow blanketing mother earth. It is time to move on to spring I say. Here is to being productive this week and taking some time for ME! Cheers, Tonya


We ALL have a voice...

Today, while waiting for my children to get done with school, I really didn't have anything to do. So, I parked in a public parking lot and was reading an art magazine. I had been listening to the radio, but got tired of the commercials, so I shut it off. Everything was quiet and all of a sudden I heard all this yelling and swearing. It was a man and women. I could not see them and did not know where the screaming and yelling was coming from. I rolled down my window and listened. I was looking frantically all over...

Finally, I seen them! The women was toting two large baskets full of stuff. One stacked on top of the other. She was crying and telling the man to just let her go! Quite a few other things were said, but you get the idea. The man was wearing a t-shirt, shorts and was barefoot! Yes, barefoot! Mind you, it was in the 20's with a sleet/snow mix coming down. He was running ahead of her and yelled, you are not leaving! If you leave, I will break that f-ing windshield.

I dialed 911 on my cell phone and hit send. I hung up immediately and thought to myself, I will wait just a bit and see what happens. I was scared for her. Their vehicle was about 6 spaces down from mine and cars parked all around us/them. The windows were wet from the rain and they didn't know I was there.

The yelling, arguing, and swearing went on for a while. He locked himself in the vehicle and would not let her in to leave. He kept opening and shutting the door, yelling and so forth. I thought something may happen because at this time things were escalating. I got out of my van and waved my arms so she could see me and put my hand up to my ear and showed her the phone. I mouthed the words "do you want me to call the cops?"

She yelled to the man and said, if you don't let me go, that lady is going to call the cops. Some more swearing and rudeness came out of his mouth and then he seen me. I stepped closer to their vehicle. He immediately retracted and I think he was ashamed. He said he would never hurt her or break the windshield. The lady said, yeah right! I told them, I have seen to much domestic violence in my life and I am not about to let anything happen on my watch. I told them, I will call the cops if need be.

I waited outside in the rain/snow, until she left. In the meantime, there was a gal that seen the last tail end of it. She pulled up to me, rolled her window down, asked what had happened. I briefly explained. She said, you may have just saved her life. I don't know if I did save her life. None of us ever know what goes on behind closed doors or in a mentally unstable person's mind.

I just know, he was trying to control her and she wanted to leave. He was threatening her and I feel things could have escalated, had I not been there. I just know, when domestic violence (or any violence for that matter) is going on and you hear/see it, you should speak up! It is your civic duty to try to help or speak up! I honestly feel that way.

It is so odd to think that I was not suppose to be there, at that time, and in that place. I never go there and today, of all days, I was there. I do believe everything happens for a reason. Maybe I was supposed to be there to help that gal? Who knows what could have happened. There was no one else around during the whole incident, only me, until the tail end. I was glad I was there and I was glad I spoke up.

I know someone may read this that thinks, well, Tonya probably made things worse. Or maybe thinking that gal is back in that same situation tonight. Well, maybe she is? But I know, I did what was right. That is all that matters. I cannot control what others do and how they handle a situation. All I can do is try to help when I feel someone needs help. I did my civic duty and just thought I would share my story. Maybe someday it could be your daughter, your grand daughter, niece, or sister, and wouldn't you like to know that someone would speak up on her behalf. Something to think about. Peaceful Blessings to each of you, Tonya