Yes sirree! Finally, a NEW Dollie! The first one this year as a matter of fact. Where does the time go? Tomorrow is already March 1 and this is my first handmade for the year. I can tell you where my time goes and it is generally in the books...

The NEW site is
~The Prim Nest~ I am so glad to be a part of
The Prim Nest. I needed something extra to do, right? Not really, but I do really miss creating and I thought I would be able to create here and there. The site will update on the 1st and 15th of each month. I am always going to try to have something new for the 1st of each month and if I get something finished for the 15th, well then that is a bonus!

This is Sweet Lily. All of her lil extra's can be removed and then just be a sweet everyday dollie. I had lots of fun bringing her to life and I do hope that you will stop by and take a peek. I must go and get back to the books and my homework, which seems to be never ending. That's okay, I am up for the challenge and already at my halfway point for the semester! Can I get a whoot, whoot!! Toodles for now, ~Tonya