This is what it looked like today, as well as this evening. Snowing, blowing and huge drifts. Snow and more snow. We are going to break record snowfall for Minnesota in December this year. The kids got out of school early today, but not early enough. In my opinion, the schools should have closed at about 10 a.m. It was terrible out and you couldn't see past our property line at about 8:30 a.m. but the superintendent never takes the country roads into consideration. They closed the schools three hours early...
The roads were so bad today that a bus went into the ditch. No one was hurt, but they never think of those poor bus drivers that have to take all of those children home. I have nothing but great respect for every single bus driver out there. The crap they have to put up with, I don't think they get paid enough.
I knew the schools would close early today and I honestly don't think they will have school tomorrow. I also don't think that I can get down my driveway to take the kids to the bus, even if they do have school. It would do no good to plow the driveway now, the wind is to fierce. The drifts are tall and when I picked the kids up at the end of the driveway today at about 1:30 p.m. the drifts were pretty high then and I almost got stuck a few times.
I am thankful I am done with school until January! YAY!! I got all straight A's and am pretty happy with myself. It was a lot of hard work, but it was a challenge that I was/am up for. Just think, I already have one-quarter of my schooling out of the way. Time sure flies when your having fun. :) I am so happy for the break from school thou, I can breath and catch my breath. I was up in my studio playing today. I am making some last minute things for gifts.
This past weekend, the kids and I went to my mom's house, stayed the night and baked our little hearts out. One of my sisters was there with her son as well. We made all sorts of goodies, we even made homemade caramels. YUM! They turned out absolutely PERFECT! Wishing each of you a wonderful week and a Magical Holiday Season. Cheers, Tonya